Part of a community…
or apart from a community?
We can choose to "give back," or we can choose to give.
Viewing the web as a platform for generosity is very different than seeing an opportunity to turn it into an ATM machine. The way we spend our time online determines not only whether or not the community we choose grows and thrives, but it decides whether or not we will be part of what is built.
"What can I contribute today," might be the very best way to become part of a community. Relentless generosity brings us closer together.
The alternative? The masses of web surfers spending their time wasting their time, taking, clicking, scamming or being scammed.
When you think of the real communities you belong to, your family, your best friends, the tribes that matter… of course the decision is easy. We don't try to earn a little extra money when we split the bill at dinner or calculate market rate interest on a loan to a dear friend. And yet, when we get online, it's easy to start rationalizing our way to short-term behavior and selfishness.
Take or give?